Newtown — Garden at the Flagpole

One of our earliest Gardenfolk projects – rebuilding a customer’s garden at a prominent location in Newtown, CT. The customer had an existing garden plot in an ideally situated location. 

The Project: Remove existing raised bed, redesign 8′ x 8′ ground-level garden, add four 3′ x 8′ garden beds, test soil provided by customer and amend as necessary, plant spring and summer crops.

Finished Garden

Garden Design

The customer had an 8′ x 8′ strawberry patch garden with a planter at the center. One challenge was the depth of the garden made it difficult for weeding during the growing season and picking fruit at harvest. We decided to recreate the strawberry patch building a path through the center, making maintenance easier, and add spring crops that could be grown among the strawberries to take advantage of the space. The customer also desired a field stone outline of the redesigned area. We were able to source stones from the customers property to use in the construction of the stone border.  

An existing raised bed had been installed next to the strawberry patch but was in poor condition due to age and construction. The customer had indicated a challenge with the raised bed was keeping the grass around it maintained. The placement of the new beds would provide an extension to the path through the stone-lined garden patch as well as a mulched border to keep grass from growing against the new raised beds. 


The garden boxes were built in our shop and transported to the job site. Construction at the site lasted two full days 

Final Touches

Late in the early spring day we finished by planting the colder growing crops: Lettuces, Arugula, Kale, Peas, Carrots. The strawberry plants from the original garden have been salvaged and replanted.

The Finished Garden

It’s early April and our construction is complete, but this is just the start! It will be a good few weeks and some frosty evenings before the cold weather crops really start producing for the homeowner. We’ve laid down some straw that will keep the weeds at bay and the moisture in for our seeds to germinate and start growing.

In the coming weeks, we’ll plant Broccoli, Broccoli Rabe, Potatoes, herbs and more.

Late Spring Crops abound...

It’s early June and the spring crops are doing great. We had a strong May frost this year but most plantings have recovered nicely. 

We’ve now planted our summer crops: a variety of Tomato plants, Cucumber, Zucchini, Squash. And the first strawberries are just starting to ripen.

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